Greengages recipes

Greengages are a sweet and juicy type of dessert plum that range in colour from yellow to dark-green, and can be speckled with burgundy.

Recipes using greengages

Light meals & snacks


See all recipes using greengages

Buyer's guide

Greengages are in season in August and September. Greengages bought from shops and markets can vary in quality from superb to dull, but it’s impossible to tell until you bite into the fruit.


Keep at room temperature and eat as soon as possible after purchase. Greengages are worth poaching and freezing for later in the year.


As they have a soft, delicate, aromatic flesh, greengages are best appreciated raw. If cooking with greengages, crème fraîche or Greek-style yoghurt will enhance their natural sweetness in fools, bavarois, mousses and ice creams. Vanilla and almond complement their flavour in pies, crumbles and sponges. Greengages have a medium level of pectin, so add lemon juice to help them set when making jam.

Article by Sybil Kapoor

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