Sturgeon recipes

A firm-textured and meaty freshwater fish, sturgeon is particularly known for its roe (caviar). A whole sturgeon is impressive, with its long, black tapering body and pointed snout. There are several varieties of sturgeon and some are protected species.

Buyer's guide

Wild sturgeon fillets (whether fresh or frozen) are mainly available online or ordered direct from specialist fishmongers; bear in mind that some species of sturgeon are endangered and therefore protected. Sturgeon is also farmed, particularly for its roe, and farmed sturgeon fillets are more readily available than wild ones. Sturgeon is also occasionally available smoked. Whole sturgeon, whether wild or farmed, are unlikely to be available to buy, as most are filleted at source.


Sturgeon fillets require little preparation, although they need to be checked for pin bones.

Other considerations

Vegetarians and vegans should be aware that isinglass, which is produced from the swim bladders of sturgeon and other fish, is often used in winemaking as a fining agent.

Article by CJ Jackson

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