Cocoa butter recipes

Also known as theobroma cacao, cocoa butter is the edible fat that is naturally present in cocoa beans. It is quite solid, with a creamy pale-yellow colour. It’s extracted either directly from the beans, or from its by-product, chocolate (cocoa) liquor. Most of the cocoa butter in the beans is removed during cocoa powder manufacturing (the powder normally contains between 8-20% cocoa butter).

Recipes using cocoa butter

Cakes and baking

See all recipes using cocoa butter

Buyer's guide

Cocoa butter is not widely available and is not really used in domestic kitchens.


Cocoa butter keeps for 2-5 years before going rancid as it contains a high degree of anti-oxidants.


Cocoa butter is mainly used in manufactured foods. It’s then added to milk and white chocolate, confectionery and baked goods to give them a richer flavour and smoother consistency.

Article by Sejal Sukhadwala

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