By Tim Maddams
When goose is roasted it gives off a quantity of fat that can be strained and stored, once cool, in the refrigerator. Goose fat is an excellent cooking medium with a rich, silky texture and has a very fine, savoury flavour. It can be cooked at a high temperature without burning.
Goose fat can be bought in cans and jars.
Once opened, keep in the fridge. If strained through muslin into sterilised jars, home-produced goose fat will keep for up to six months. Goose fat freezes well and lasts many months. A good tip is to freeze small quantities in small blocks or ice-cube trays for ease of use.
Use it to make superb roast potatoes, homemade confit or pastry and dumplings.
Article by Clarissa Hyman
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